Milly and the Macy's Day Parade

Title: Milly and the Macy's Day Parade

Author: Shana Corey

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Milly, her papa and his friends, Mr. Macy, and Mr. Snidely
Setting: New York City

Theme: Traditions, both old and new

Summary: Milly came to America about a year ago, and her favorite place to be is Macy's, where her father works. It is Christmas time, and after school Milly goes to Macy's. Milly's father and his friends are very sad now because they miss the old country where they would go from door to door caroling for the holidays. Milly goes to Mr. Macy and explains this, and Mr. Macy decides to start a parade. All of the employees dress up and are so happy, and Mr. Macy decides to make it a new holiday tradition, which was actually a combination between the new and the old traditions.

Opinion: I liked this book because it took something that we have all heard of, the Macy's Parade, and put some fiction and some history behind it. I had no idea that immigrants/employees something to do with the parade, and the fact that the author involved a child makes the book more appealing to children.

The Memory Coat

Title: The Memory Coat

Author: Elvira Woodruff

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Rachel, Grisha, and their family

Setting: Russia and Ellis Island

Theme: A mother's love, friendship, and family

Summary: Rachel and her cousin, Grisha, lived in Russia. Grisha lived with Rachel because his parents had died the year before. The cousins were best friends and liked to tell stories. One day, the family decides they need to go to America to be safe from the persecution of the Jews. Grisha took his precious coat that his mother had lined with wool and given him before she died. When they got to Ellis Island, Grisha falls and scratches his eye. The doctors thought he was sick and would not let him pass but put a big "E" on his coat. Then, Rachel told Grisha to turn his coat inside out when he did he was reexamined and was able to pass!

Opinion: I thought this story was heart-warming. The bond between family and the strength of love are things most people can relate to, which is what makes this book so special. In addition, this book is a great way for kids to learn more about the immigrants who went to Ellis Island, many of whom were children themselves.

Picture taken from

When Jessie Came Across the Sea

Title: When Jessie Came Across the Sea

Author: Amy Hest

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Jessie, her grandmother, the Rabbi, Cousin Kay, and Lou.

Setting: Europe and then New York City

Theme: Being brave in a scary situation, working hard to reach a goal

Summary: Jessie lived in Western Europe, with her grandmother and their cow. The Rabbi picked Jessie to go to America, and although she was heartbroken to leave, she stayed brave throughout the journey. She made friends with Lou on the way to America as well, which helped her to stay strong. When she got to America, she began working and going to school. After three years, she met Lou again, and they fell in love. Jessie saved up enough to bring her grandmother to America, and then the wedding began!

Coming On Home Soon

Title: Coming Home Soon

Author: Jacqueline Woodson

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Ada Ruth, her mama, her grandmother, and her kitten

Setting: Ada Ruth's home

Theme: Missing someone who is away from home.

Summary: Ada Ruth's mother needs to go to Chicago because she will be able to find work cleaning trains there. Ada Ruth stays home with her grandmother, but they worry when they do not hear from her mother. Still, Ada Ruth sends her letters. Ada Ruth misses her mother very much until she finally gets a letter back from her mother!

Opinion: I thought that this book was very touching, portraying the story of the bond between a mother and her daughter, which is one that many children can relate to.

My America: Our Strange New Land, Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary (Book #1)

Title: My America: Our Strange New Land, Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary (Book #1)

Author: Patricia Hermes

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Elizabeth and her family, Jessie, and John Smith

Setting: Jamestown colony

Theme: Family, friendship, courage, determination

Summary: Elizabeth and her family want to start a new life in Jamestown. They had to leave her twin brother, Caleb, behind because of his weak lungs, so she took his sketchbook to write in. She writes down all of her adventures, from meeting Pocahontas to having a new baby sister, and her journal ends with the hope that she will see Caleb in the spring.

Opinion: I enjoyed this book a lot. I liked the diary-type book; I think that it makes it more personal and believable for children.

That Book Woman

Title: That Book Woman

Author: Heather Henson

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Cal, Lark, their family, and the Book Woman

Setting: The Appalachian Mountains

Theme: The Pack Horse Librarians; The wonder of reading.

Summary: This story is based on the Pack Horse Librarians and is told by Cal, the oldest boy of several children. His sister, Lark, loves to read, which he thinks is stupid. Then, the Book Woman comes and gives Lark books to read for free, promising to come back in two weeks to swap them out for more! True to her word, she comes in the middle of a snowstorm to give them more books. Because of her courage, Cal decides that reading may be worth a try and asks Lark to teach him. In the end, they both are avid readers waiting for the Book Woman to come again!

Opinion: This book was amazing. I had never heard of the Pack Horse Librarians, and I think that what they did is absolutely amazing and so brave. They are an important part of American culture than most people do not know about, especially since we have such easy access to books now. I think that every child should read this book!

Back of the Bus

Title: Back of the Bus

Author: Aaron Reynolds

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: A young boy, his mother, and Rosa Parks

Setting: The back of a bus in Alabama

Theme: Civil Rights, determination

Summary: A young boy is riding in the back of the bus with his mother. He is African American, so he has to sit in the back rather than in the front. He notices that Mrs. Parks is sitting up front where she doesn't belong, and as the bus fills up,the bus driver tells her to move. She refuses, however. The boy is curious and  wonders what will happen as Mrs. Parks gets taken off the bus in handcuffs. The boy's mother says that everything will be forgotten the next day, but he thinks she is wrong.

Opinion: I really enjoyed this book. I loved to see the story of Rosa Parks from a different point of view, and because it is from a child's perspective, it is easier for a child to relate to it. I think that this was a wonderful way to tell this story, and this is a must-read book when talking about Rosa Parks.

Three Young Pilgrims

Title: Three Young Pilgrims

Author: Cheryl Harness

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Bartholomew, Remember, and Mary and their family, in addition to the other pilgrims.

Setting: The Mayflower and Plymouth Colony

Theme: Persistence, overcoming obstacles

Summary: This book shows the story of three siblings who traveled to Plymouth Colony with their parents. The story shows the family living on the Mayflower until the houses were built, some of the colonists dying, encountering Native Americans, and the First Thanksgiving. Although the story of the children is fictional, the story contains countless historical facts and details!

 Opinion: I enjoyed this book! The content was good, although some parts may be a little bit sad for some younger children, but the illustrations were absolutely amazing. They had so many details in them and they were just so captivating that I could have sat there for hours just looking at the pictures! This is definitely a good book to read around Thanksgiving or during a lesson about the early colonists.

Goin' Someplace Special

Title: Goin' Someplace Special

Author: Patricia C. McKissack

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: 'Tricia Ann, Mama Frances, and the people 'Tricia Ann encounters on her journey.
Setting: Nashville

Theme: Segregation, persistence and determination

Summary: 'Tricia Ann is finally allowed to go across town to "Someplace Special!" Her journey is not easy, though. This book shows 'Tricia Ann's struggles, whether they be having to sit in the back of the bus, not being allowed to eat in certain restaurants, and being kicked out of some areas. Then, when she is about to give up, she realizes that "Someplace Special" is the public library, where everyone is free to go, regardless of race! This book was based on the actual Nashville Library, which voted in the 1950's to have an integrated library.

Opinion: I thought that this book was very eye-opening. We have all heard about the segregation that lasted far beyond the Civil War, but this book put a face to that segregation and helped us to get to know a little girl who just wants to fit in and not be screamed at, kicked out, and pushed away. This is a great book to include in a Civil Rights lesson or just to help open kids eyes when it comes to thinking about segregation.


Title: Dandelions

Author: Eve Bunting

Genre: Historical Fiction

Characters: Zoe, her sister Rebecca, and their parents.

Setting: The Midwest

Theme: Struggles, family, making the best out of a situation.

Summary: Zoe and her family are traveling from their home in Illinois to Nebraska, where her father had already staked out their land. Her mother is doubtful and worried about moving, even when they begin to dig the well and build the house. On her mama's birthday, Zoe gets some dandelions and plants them on their sod roof. She is excited because she wants to cheer her mama up. When morning comes, the flowers are wilted, but they remain the symbol of the strength it needs to make it through hard times.

Opinion: This was a good book. I thought that it was interesting because it showed that the mother and father were not completely in agreement but that they were doing what was best for the family, no matter what they had to go through. This is a great book to help show kids how difficult it was for the first settlers in the west.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

