Around the World

Title: Around the World

Author: Matt Phelan

Genre: Graphic Novel

Characters: Thomas Stevens, Nellie Bly, and Joshua Slocum, as well as many other characters through each of their stories.

Setting: Around the world!

Theme: Adventure, reaching goals.

Summary: This graphic novel tells the stories of three people who went around the world. Through this graphic novel, the reader gets to see the different reasons people chose to make the adventure, the things that drove them, and the adventures they had while in different places.

Opinion: I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The stories were captivating and I loved the creative idea of telling these stories through a graphic novel. The book was easy to read and left me wanting to learn more about these people because reading this truly made history come alive! 

Where the Sidewalk Ends 

Title: Where the Sidewalk Ends

Author: Shel Silverstein

Genre: Poetry

Characters: Lots of different characters!

Setting: Many different settings.

Theme: There are numerous themes.

Summary: Shel Silverstein's poetry is very unique, and this book is just one collection of his many poems. This book includes poems such as "The Crocodile's Toothache," "The Farmer and the Queen," and "Shadow Wash," along with many more! His poems range from very light and silly to more meaningful, and children can get a glimpse of many of his different poems in this book.

Opinion: I enjoy Shel Silverstein's poetry, and I think that this book is a wonderful collection of his works!

It's Raining Pigs & Noodles

Title: It's Raining Pigs & Noodles

Author: Jack Prelutsky

Genre: Poetry

Characters: Lots of different characters!

Setting: There were many different settings.

Theme: Lots of very silly themes!

Summary: Jack Prelutsky's poetry is hilarious and adorable, and this collection of his poems is just one example of his literature that you can have in the classroom. The poems in this collection include "The Yaks Convened a Meeting," "My Tongue is Tasting Terrible," and "It's Awkward."  In addition to these poems, this collection also includes some shape poetry and other creative poems.

Opinion: I am a huge fan of Jack Prelutsky's poetry, and I especially enjoy some of the poems included in this collection. Prelutsky's poetry is fun, hilarious, and often makes no sense, which is why children love it!!

Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse

Title: Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse

Author: Marilyn Singer

Genre: Poetry

Characters: Many different fairy tale characters!

Setting: Different fairy tale settings.

Theme: There are always two sides to every story.

Summary: This book is full of reversos, or poems which say one thing when read down the page and another thing when read up the page. All of the poems are from the perspective of fairy tale characters. For example, one poem is from Little Red Riding Hood, and the poem on the opposite page is from the Wolf's perspective.

Opinion: This is one of the most creative books I have read! This book is so unique and the poems are wonderfully done. The poems also give the reader different perspectives from the different fairy tale characters. This is a great book to read for children to understand different forms of poetry, to help them learn to write reversos, or even just to enjoy!


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2012

